Job Placement
Are you ready to work right now? With Primmoz on your side, it’s simple. We offer great paying jobs when and where you need them. With job opportunities available in virtually any state in the U.S., you can feel at ease knowing that Primmoz will find the right job for you. We pride ourselves on matching each individual with the right job at the right location at the right pay. Whatever your skill level, there’s a job at Primmoz that’s perfect for you.
Here are just a few examples of job types and job locations available.
Need a great job fast?
Job Types
- General Janitorial
- Construction Clean Up
- Demolition
- General Construction Labor
- Drywall & Painting
- Flooring Installation
Job Locations
- North Florida Coast
- Central Florida
- New Orleans, LA
- South Florida
- Birmingham, AL
- Las Vegas, NV
- Southern California
- Central Colorado